Iakan Health

Iakan Health is an intelligent system that aims to support the decisions of oncology services. With the use of technology (artificial intelligence) applied to the big data of clinical histories, the system learn to find the behavior patters: which particular characteristics of a patient with cancer influences its response to the different treatments.

Once our IA models have learnt from data, Iakan support system offers the doctor relevant results (statistics and predictions based on IA) from the data analysis in order to help them chose the treatments (always proved treatments) with the more effectiveness, less toxicity and less symptoms to apply to that patient.

Iakan core bases its performance on artificial intelligence models builded from the data of hospitals. This data is about the clinic histories of cases of cancer, so it is analyzed in an holistic manner (background of the patient, diagnostic, laboratory analysis, treatment, evolution, symptoms and life quality impact). With the more data, we are able to build better AI models that best recreates the behavior of the treatments (chemotherapy, hormone therapy…) in the patients, learning from the experience of thousands of cases from many hospitals from many countries to give more value to the doctors.

Año Fundación
Funding Stage
Pre-seed (less than 0.25 M EUR)
Número Empleados